

1 and 并且 
A man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, 
and a poor man in shabby clothes also comes in. 
2 but 转折 You want something but you don't get it. 
The tongue is a small part of the body but it makes great boasts.
Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is 
like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, 
after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 
3 or  否则  You mustn't spend your money so quickly or you can't afford to go on at the end of your trip.
4 so  所以 The man made a good impression on the lady so he wanted to keep in touch with her.
5 for 因为 Men obey the laws declared by the lord of Israel for they fear Him.
Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 
for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life. 
1 我妈在厨房做饭,而我爸在花园里干活。
My mother is cooking in the kitchen and my father is working in the garden.
2 君子爱财,取之有道。A gentleman loves money but gets it in right way.
3 不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。You don't listen to old people or you suffer losses immediately.
4 有些人见不到上帝,所以就不信主。Some people can't see God so they don't believe in the Lord.
5 你不能与人好好相处,因为你有孤儿的灵。You can't get along well with others for you have the spirit of an orphan.
    1 He is not only a good father but also a kind husband.(表语)
1)基本模式 Miss White is a good teacher. She is also a good mother. 
2)书面模式 Miss White is not only a good teacher but also a good mother.
3)口语模式Miss White is a good teacher. She is also a good mother. 
    2 I eat either meat or vegetable.(宾语)
1)基本模式   你要么今天要么明天完成任务。You do it today or tomorrow.
2)书面模式  You need to finish the task either today or tomorrow.
    3 Both Lucy's father and mother are doctors.(主语)
1)基本模式 He is good at writing and also at oral expression.
2)书面模式  他既擅长写作,有擅长口头表达。He is good at both writing and oral expression.
3)口语模式 He is good at writing, so is oral expression.
    4 I like neither popular nor classical music. (定语)
1)基本模式 He isn't a student. I'm not a student, either.
2)书面模式 Neither he nor I am a student.
           Neither her background nor capabilities will stop her success at Lincoln.
3)口语模式He isn't a student, neither am I.
           Her background won't stop her success at Lincoln, neither will her capabilities.
1 and 耶稣本身就是神,而且同时具备人性。Jesus is god himself and had humanity.
2 but 耶稣被钉死在十字架上,但他三天后复活。Jesus had been crucified but he was raised up from death three days later.
3 or  你们要悔改,否则,就会被遗弃。You should repent or you will be abandoned.
4 so  神爱世人。所以,教会没有门槛。God love humankind, so there is no threshold at churches.
5 for 一个人不受大家欢迎,因为他不走神的道。A person isn't popular for he doesn't walk in the way of God.
6 not only...but also... 大卫不但是国王,而且还是个先知。David was not only a king but also a prophet. prophetess/lioness/waitress/princess/hostess/
7 either...or... 1948年,以色列要么与约旦、黎巴嫩、叙利亚、埃及战斗,要么退到地中海。In 1948, Israel either fought against Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt or set back into the Mediterranean.
8 neither...nor...  保罗既不骄傲又不说大话。Paul was neither arrogant nor boasting.
9 both...and... 上帝既给义人又给恶人阳光和雨水。God gives sunshine and rain to both the righteous and the wicked.
发布时间:2015-04-16 | 访问量:1217次 | 标签:yyw